Teacher Spotlight – Mr. Golden

Picture 5Mr. Golden, 4th grade teacher at Trevvett Elementary, jumped right into using technology with his students on the second week of school! They made “All About Me” Posters using Photo Booth and Comic Life. First they took pictures of themselves using the special effects in Photo Booth and dragged those into the center panel of the Basic Fives Template in Comic Life (Mr. Golden would like to remind you to be sure to save your comic before you close Photo Booth or you’ll get the spinning beach ball). Then they found pictures of their interests with Mr. Golden’s help and dragged those into the four surrounding panels. Finally they added text boxes to describe their interests in complete sentences. It was a fun way to get to know each other and motivate his students to start writing. Way to go, Mr. Golden! (You can see Mr. Golden’s comic by clicking here).