I’m your ITRT (Instructional Technology Resource Teacher). It’s my job to help you feel knowledgeable and excited about using technology in your classroom. I was a third/fourth grade classroom teacher for eleven years in many different places: Saba Island (1992-1993), Maryland (1994-1995), Paraguay (1996-1999), and Goochland County, Virginia (1999-2005). I have been in my current position as an ITRT in Henrico County, Virginia since Fall 2005. I have two children who attend Henrico County public schools and my wife is also a teacher at Salem Christian School in Goochland. My other jobs include making videos for the Virginia Trekkers and DJ-ing as DJ Dave Rave. Please let me know how I can be of service to you!
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I am very impressed with your school district’s technology integration. I saw you video about the Rap and I am so excited to try with my fifth grade students. I am learning about all the amazing software my new IMACS have. I am definitely using your blog as a resource! Awesome
Do you have any suggestions for LA websites for enrichment K-3?
Thanks so much