3rd & 5th Grade Volcanoes

Teachable Moment: I’m sure many of you have heard about the erupting of the Eyjafjallajokull volcano in Iceland today. Why not take this opportunity to review your Rome unit in 3rd grade (Vesuvius erupted in the Roman city of Pompeii) or your earth studies unit in 5th Grade (SOL5.7d). One 3rd grade class at Laburnum created slideshows about the volcano in Pompeii. Their teacher, Mrs. Emmanuelson had actually visited Pompeii and shared her photos with the class. You can see some of their Keynotes here (I added the “Possibility” soundtrack from “Twilight” because volcanoes are always a possibility). I also created a website here with cool links, interactive maps, a Prezi slideshow, and a Flash animation explaining how volcanoes form. Finally, you can click here to download a folder of pictures to use, including amazing photos from Eyjafjallajökull like the one in this blog post (Source).