Kindergarten Measurement

Today at Holladay Elementary, kindergarten students practiced measuring things using digital nonstandard units of measurement. I gave them a Keynote template that you can download by clicking here. It has a variety of pictures and students use shapes to measure the pictures. They can either click the Shapes Tool to add more shapes, or they could copy and paste the shapes (this is a good skill to teach, even in kindergarten). Students could change what the shapes look like by changing the Theme of the slide or just changing the color. You could also allow students to chose their own shapes to measure with as well as their own pictures (depending on time and your students’ skill levels). On the last slide students add a picture of their face (from Photo Booth) and measure it with shapes. If students click in the center of each shape, they can add a number to it. I stressed the importance of making sure the shapes are stacked evenly and touch each other. I also pointed out the yellow alignment guides that pop up when students are moving the shapes around to help them. Finally students type the answer in the ? on each slide. As a follow up activity, students could measure each others’ pictures. Take a look at a student sample by clicking here.