A Military Uniform Inspired by Animals

Did you know that many inventions were inspired by animals? It’s called biomimicry and it’s the basis for this great lesson created by Ms. Gaglio at Chamberlayne Elementary. She had her students create new military uniforms based on animal adaptations. The students created their uniforms using a website called Build Your Wild Self. Then they wrote persuasive letters explaining why their uniform was the best and should be purchased by the military. You can check out her blog here and you can download her lesson plan and rubric here. I took her idea and taught it to the 3rd graders at Laburnum Elementary today. They had a great time inventing their uniforms! We used Comic Life to add a description of the various parts and explain how each one would help a soldier survive. Finally we posted our pictures to a really cool, easy-to-use online photo sharing site called Comemories. You can see our online gallery (and even add your own) by clicking here.